Tuesday, March 26, 2013

EDLD 5326 Schools and Communities

This week's assignment was to create a plan and presentation to increase community involvement in our school(s).
My office is currently envolved in just such a task and I have had the opportuntiy to work closely with schools to improve our CTE programs.  This presentation is one that can be made available to all schools or published on our website.  I intentionally did not use my district name, because at this time, I do not have authorization from my director.  It is one of our goals to increase parent, student, teacher, community and industry partners for our programs.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reflections of Web Conference - EDLD 5326

EDLD 5326 - School /Community Relations

Weekly Web conferences
I really enjoy the web conferences because it give the class a "real" feeling and give me an opportunity to hear others experiences with their course work.  This is my 10th class and I feel confident about the course work and the professors expectations.  As I listen to students that are new to the program, I reminisce about my own insecurities this time last year.

 I benefit from the questions and dialog that happens during the conference. I have been unable to make the last two weekend meetings, however, I watch the recordings.

There is one aspect our course of study that I miss, we do not collaborate on our assignments. I learned a lot about myself and my team mates and I feel we would benefit for more collaboration in the other classes. I am still in communication with my team, and we connect in other social networks.

I am looking forward to our walking together in August for graduation.

If you are interested in why I was unable to attend the last two web conferences, I have been midwife to my caprine herd and have been on goat maternity watch all week.  All were successful births and we have 5 new babies. Mini-me, Calypso, Gissel, Prince William and Prince Harry. 

10 days later!!
Goatopia !!
And they are still a distraction...but also a stress reliever !  If you like animals and need a laugh, watch them play !